Christmas Plum Pudding
Makes 1 pudding for 8 or 9 persons
Ingredients :
8 oz chopped suet or modern day equivalent
8 oz breadcrumbs
2 oz of plain flour
8 oz raisins
8 oz sultanas
4 oz currants
4 oz candied peel - Cut your own or use ready cut
half a grated nutmeg
half an ounce of mixed spice
half an ounce of ground cinnamon
1 gill of milk (about a quarter pint of milk
1 wineglassful of rum or brandy (optional)
2 oz desiccated coconut or shredded almonds
1 lemon
4 eggs pinch of salt
Directions :
1. Skin the suet or chop it finely.
2. Clean the fruit, stone the raisins, finely shred the mixed peel; peel and chop the
lemon rind.
3. Put all the dry ingredients in a basin and mix well.
4. Add the milk, stir in the eggs one at a time, add the rum or brandy and the
strained juice of a lemon.
5. Work the whole thoroughly for some minutes, so that the ingredients are all
well blended.
6. Put the mixture in a well greased or floured pudding cloth.
7. Boil the plum pudding for 4 hours or steam for at least 5 hours.
Note :
This recipe has no baking powder or sugar mentioned.
1 gill is a quarter pint or 5 fl oz or 150ml.
Courtesy : Rexanne